Why live
in Nunavut?

Experience life more intensely

Breathe deeply and feel alive in the face of vastness. When you set foot in Nunavut for the first time, you may well experience these sensations. Discovering the vast snowy expanses, the chiselled peaks of the North-East and the extensive flatlands of the South-West will make you want to explore these untamed reaches. And then one day, while admiring the various species of artic animals – the polar bears, whales, arctic hares and wolves – you will say to yourself, “What a fantastic adventure!”

Experience authenticity

In contact with the Inuit and their ancestral traditions, you will experience a more authentic lifestyle. As you gain an understanding of the principles of the Inuit Quajimajatuqangit – the collective knowledge relating to the Inuit and their relationship with the environment, the wildlife, and their society and family – you will learn how to live in harmony with nature. To find out more on ancestral Inuit traditions, visit the Governement of Nunavut website and Inuitmyths.com.

Seize the opportunities

The region of Nunavut is experiencing an economic boom. You will find a variety of employment opportunities in sectors such as public administration, health, education, the hospitality and restaurant industry, tourism, construction and natural resources. Although it is true that the population of Nunavut speaks mainly English, the French population has access to French-language services and infrastructure such as a school, daycare, cultural, sports and recreation centre, library, and health care network, among others.

Living in Nunavut

You want to live in authenticity? Looking for an exceptional quality of life, having a rhythm of life favoring family and friends? Camp on Nunavut! You will be dazzled by the beauty of the territory without borders and without limits.